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I come from a very Italian family and we would make pasta every Sunday night. My mom’s favorite pasta shape was rigatoni. She passed away two years ago and when I saw the Rigatoni necklace I knew I had to get it. She would have loved it. I will wear it in honor of her.


I gave birth to my daughter 10 days ago and named her Rosemary Grace. She shares her middle name with my mother. I bought my mother the rosemary necklace so she would have a little bit of my daughter with her always. 


I’ve been making pierogi with my mom since I was little. My job was always sealing them because my mom could never get them as neat as I could. The recipe we use is from my great-grandmother, taught to my grandmother when she married my grandfather and then taught to my mom and then to me. I bought the pierogi necklace because making pierogi makes me feel closer to my family. 


I chose the macaroni earrings because mac and cheese is my favorite food but also (and most importantly!) it’s the name of my dog!


When I started cooking for myself nothing ever tasted as good as my dad’s versions and when I asked him about it he told me to always double or triple the amount of garlic listed. I purchased the garlic charm as a nod to my dad, his culture, and as a reminder to not always follow the rules!


I ordered the silver wheat necklace for my sister as she just sold her bakery is feeling a bit lost without her labor-of-love business. Her bakery specialty was artisan breads so wheat is an ingredient that she absolutely loves.


I bought the pretzel because I lived in Philadelphia for 5 years and just moved away. I will always remember my amazing life in Philly when I look at my cute lil’ pretzel necklace.


My daughter has a rescue pup she got in Pittsburgh and named him pierogi. She’ll love wearing his namesake!!!


I’m pregnant and we nicknamed the impending baby girl ‘bucatini.’ Of course I had to have the bucatini necklace. 


I was misdiagnosed with Celiac Disease for the last 7 years and couldn’t eat gluten. When I realized I could eat it again, it brought me so much joy. I especially missed pasta and donuts, and am celebrating with your pasta lovers earring set and donut ring!


I’m the daughter of a first generation Chinese immigrant. Chinese food and culture bring me endless happiness. Wearing a dumpling on my wrist brings me joy and gets conversations going, which allows me to share my personal story. 


My family is of Chilean descent, and a big part of our culture is food. One of our favorite Chilean delicacies is empanadas! My mom makes homemade empanadas (which we all love!) so I bought these bracelets for my sisters and my mom as a reminder of our family and culture.
